Part 86: Update LXXXIII - Featuring: The 7th Dragon
Update LXXXIII - Featuring: The 7th DragonMusic: Final Battle - Grateful Seventh

After 255 dragons, the time has finally come to kill the biggest, baddest dragon of them all.

This heal is 100% pointless, considering there's a save spot not even 10 seconds away.

And here's VFD's... egg?

I have absolutely zero clue why this area is marked as being both Atlantica and Grateful Seventh VFD.
The Uplands were the very first area in Atlantica, if it helps.

We also have one final Dragonsbane color: pure white.

And VFD is... a giant Dragonsbane seed growing out of a dead dragon?
This is actually a really rad design. Literally something new growing out of the remains of the old, perfectly encapsulating VFD's whole deal.

Music: Dragon of Creation and Destruction

Both options give the same result.

For the first time, the game actually lets you pick who fights on the fly instead of defaulting to Team 1!

Y'all already know who's taking this.

You're given one last chance to make sure you got the right team.

Video: VS VFD (Phase 1)

VFD's first phase (because obviously the final boss in a JRPG has multiple phases) comes in with 13K LF.

You may be wondering why I'm using Moon Stance instead of Solid Stance.
The answer is that I don't care about Vivian's damage and VFD has a lot of very scary ailments on hand. Moon Stance's aggro effect will help keep GEORGE! from getting nailed at a bad time. If Vivian lasts long enough to land a hit I'll considering a nice bonus.

Case in point: Brain Strike with its 100% chance of Charm. If I didn't give GEORGE! and Vivian resists, I'd be down two people, end of discussion. And since there are so many ailments in this fight, (VFD's first phase alone has Charm, Burn, Curse, Downer, and Blind) you have to spread out your resists so you can't just slap on a few Cuts and call it good.

Thomas is here to be an item caddy, throwing out Dragon Hatchlings after every EX to keep GEORGE! going throughout every phase.

Vajra Whip is the move you want to see. Just three small hits on one target with no added ailments.

Not shown are Sandila Ray (full party attack with 60% chance of Burn), Samsara Break (full party attack with a 100% chance of Curse, Blind, and Downer), and Replenish. (1.25x MAT buff with a 40% break chance)
The funny thing about Samsara Break is that the Curse on it has 300% backlash, making even a glancing blow from your own guys utterly obliterate themselves, but the Blind cuts accuracy by 90% so you'll never actually land a hit in the first place.

Music: Finish Them Off

Only the final phase gives XP/SP, so no banking on a mid-final boss level up to fully heal someone.
This also makes it very important that everyone is standing at the end of the fight if you plan to use different teams, as a dead party member in the back can't contribute to support actions and will lock out Unison as a result.
Music: Dragon of Creation and Destruction

VFD's second form is... Chaos Sonicadventure's dragonsona.

Oh no, the dreaded Cutscene Laser!

Music: Battlefield - The Hunter

The game plays the health recovery sound here, but any damaged teams stay damaged.

Video: VS VFD (Phase 2)
Music: Dragon of Creation and Destruction

VFD's second phase has another 13K LF.

Thanks, Vivian.

It's amazing how reliable this plan is.

Reeeeeeeeeeeally showing off here, VFD.
Not seen are Abyssal Touch (single target attack with 40% chance of Skill Seal and 100% chance of Curse), Astral Whip (6 hits on the entire party), Nirvana Invitation (single target attack with 60% chance of Paralysis), Nirvana Shine (full party attack with a 60% chance of Downer and Confusion), and Self-Recovery (15% LF heal).

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Dragon of Creation and Destruction

And VFD's final form is... just a dragon with four wings.
Like, come on! We're fighting the ultimate dragon that's been born of ourselves in a metaphysical manifestation of the very concept of dragons! Do something unique! Make VFD some fucked up half-dragon/half-human amalgamation as it tries to create its final form with missing information!
But no, the final boss of the entire series looks like a hopped up High Dragon

And it hits us with another Cutscene Laser!
Music: Stops

Music: A Tale of Men and Dragons (code:VFD Ver.)

Again, both give the same result.

Video: VS VFD (Phase 3)
Music: VFD ─ Vicarius Filii Dei

And there it is, the meaning of VFD.
Vicarius Filii Dei means Vicar of the Son of God, which is... the Pope.
Why is the Seventh True Dragon the Pope? Is there a dragon god somewhere? Does it worship evolution? Iod? What?
But wait, it gets deeper! Reading the title as roman numerals turns it into 666, the number of the beast, which also shows up-

As the number of dragons in the very first game!

VFD's third and final form finishes things off with a slightly higher 16K LF.
Chika and Rika had 18K combined, remember.

I haven't been savescumming these, by the way. GEORGE! has been naturally popping War Cry at the most climatic moments.

Prismatic Stream is VFD's opener, with a 35% chance of Petrify, 40% chance of Blind, and 70% chance of Poison.

20% chance of Death.

And just enough MN to finish the fight.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: None

And VFD just... goes back to form 1?

Music: ChRøNiClESeVeN (code:VFD Ver.)

And since we, you know, don't have a fresh Dragonslayer on hand, Opal just pulls one out of nowhere with no setup in advance.

Music: None

Next time: The end.